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Ryo Yamaguchi (Ph.D.)  


Assistant Professor,

Mathematical Biology lab.,

Department of Advanced Transdisciplinary Sciences,

Faculty of Advanced Life Science, Hokkaido University
Science Bldg. No.2-706
Kita 10, Nishi 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-0810, JAPAN

​Contact Information

ryamaguchi (a)


2017.03  Ph.D. Science. Kyushu University, Japan (Sipervisor Dr. Yoh Iwasa)
M.Sc. Biology. Kyushu University, Japan
  B.Sc. Biology. Kyushu University, Japan


2020.04 ~ Current   Assistant professor, Hokkaido University, Japan

2022.02 ~ 2024.01   Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Biodiversity Research Centre,

University of British Columbia, Canada (host researcher: Sally Otto)

Supported by JSPS Overseas Research Fellow program

2017.04 ~ 2020.03  JSPS Research Fellow (PD), Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
2014.04 ~ 2017.03
  JSPS Research Fellow (DC1), Kyushu University, Japan

​Awards Received

August 2024: The 24th SESJ Early Career Award (Society of Evolutionary Studies, Japan)


October 2023: The 16th Early Career Award (The Society of Population Ecology)


September 2022: The 17th JSMB Early Career Award (Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology)

March 2019:  The 7th Ecological Society of Japan Suzuki Award

(awarded annually by the Ecological Society of Japan to three / four young ecology / evolutionary biologists)


October 2018: Poster Award for excellence, The 46th Naito Conference


October 2017: Poster Award for excellence, The 27th meeting of Japan Society for Mathematical Biology


March 2014:  Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO), full refund exemption due to outstanding achievements (master's course)

December 2014: 9th Kyushu University, Faculty of Systems and Life Sciences All Lab Poster Contest Good Research Award


October 2012: Kyoto Winter Research Program in Mathematical Biology Next Wave "Mathematical Model Contest, Excellent Group Award

Reviewer for

American Naturalist (2), Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (2), Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (1), Ecological Entomology (1), Ecology and Evolution (2), European Journal of Forest Research (1), Evolution (7), Evolutionary Biology (1), Evolutionary Intelligence (1), Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology (1), Journal of Evolutionary Biology (1), Journal of the Royal Society Interface (1), Journal of Theoretical Biology (8), Nature (1), Nature Communications (1), Paleontological Research (1), PNAS Nexus (1), Population Ecology (5), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2), Proceedings of the Royal Society B (1), Quantitative Plant Biology (1), Theoretical Ecology (1), Transactions of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (1), Zootaxa (1). A chapter of Japanese books (2).

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